Frequently asked questions
I'm lactose intolerant, can I still enjoy a Mooski?
Yes, we add a natural enzyme to make Mooski lactose-free, so you can enjoy it too!
What size does Mooski come in?
What are the Mooski flavours?
Original Chocolate and Chocolate Orange. Keep an eye out for new and yummy flavours such as Chocolate Mint!
What type of milk does Mooski use?
Real, fresh milk from North Island dairy cows.
Have you added preservatives to make the milk last longer?
No, we use fresh milk and then put it through an ultra-high temperature process. This extends the shelf life beyond that of regular, fresh milk.
Does Mooski contain artificial colours or flavours?
No, we only use fresh milk, real chocolate and natural flavours.
Does Mooski contain real chocolate?
Yes, we use real chocolate to give Mooski its rich chocolate flavour and smoothness.
What's the best way to drink Mooski?
We love it chilled, with a good shake of the bottle before opening it. Drink it straight from the bottle or use a glass - if you don't mind washing the glass afterwards!
Can Mooski bottles be recycled?
Yes, the bottles with caps and sleeves can be recycled.
Where can I buy Mooski from?
Ask at your local dairy or corner store.